2021-2022 Edition
The Earth has entered a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene characterized by an accelerated speed in production, uncontrolled rapid growth, and unexpected shocks at global levels. Climate change is one of the most serious planetary shocks of this new epoch, and is the core of contemporary debates on climate justice, social justice and inequality gaps that affect mostly vulnerable populations.
As the world is working on developing effective planetary stewardship to navigate the Anthropocene period, you, high school students, will reflect on :
- The impacts of Climate Change on the empowerment of girls and women in Canada -
and will propose solutions to prevent or mitigare of the impacts.
Participating institutions
First prize
The Anne-Marie Trahan Scholarship of $2,500.00 was awarded to the Escadron-96-Alouettes Team represented by: Noémie Pillot, Manon Depachtère, Ariane Jade Douangphachanh, and Nickshala Sothirasa, for their project:
Impacts du réchauffement climatique sur la santé mentale et la sécurité alimentaire des filles et des femmes Autochtones du Canada.
The team is also recipient of the Jury Mention for Best French Essay.
Second prize
The Jacques Robert Scholarship of $2,000.00 was awarded to the Villa Maria Team represented by : Milla Simms, Victoria Ersoni, Lara Filice, and Gabriella Kouri, for their project:
Girls for Climate: Making Policy Accessible
The team is also recipient of the Jury Mention for Best English Essay.
Third prize
The PMI Consultant International Scholarship of $1,500.00 was awarded to the Study Team A, represented by: Sarah Bergevin, Hannah Kwon, Hyunwoo Park, and Victoria Mo, for their project:
Breathe More Green: Creating an App for Easy Data Collection of Empty Plots for Tree Plantation in Collaboration with Tree-Planting Charities.
The team is also recipient of the Jury Mention for Best Oral presentation,
the Prix “Coup de Coeur des Jeunes” from Fondation Dr Julien.
Fourth prize
The fourth prize of $1,000, with a jury mention for their innovative project. was awarded to Collège Sainte-Anne team, composed of : Élodie Roncière, Alexandrine Lafrenière, Léa Baril, Qin Ning Zhou, and Elisa Xue Yanran, for their project:
Impacts des changements climatiques sur l’autonomisation des filles et des femmes au Canada
Highlight on the other team works
Collège Regina Assumpta
Mention Honorable du Jury pour l’innovation dans la conception de vidéo.
The Villa Maria Team represented by : Florence Jeannotte, Melissa In, Noémie Desjeans, Justine Li, Morgane Lépine.
Their project:
Impacts des changements climatiques sur l’autonomisation des femmes migrantes réfugiées climatiques au Québec et au Canada
Villa Sainte Marcelline
Mention Honorable du Jury pour un projet prometteur
The Villa Maria Team represented by : Ambre Chenel, Jade Chenel, Hanna Kordlouie, Maïa Sunnberg, Lilas Riguet, Clara Marleau
Their project:
Le lithium, un avenir vert, mais pour qui ?
The Study - Team B
Jury Mention for Best International outreach Project.
The Villa Maria Team represented by : Jacqueline Hayes-Babczak, Lila Fischer, Sarah Hunt, Isabella Gualtieri, Elaine Wang.
Their project:
Meliora: The Effects of Natural Disasters on Women
“The voices of Olympia Canada School Competition encourage innovation and provides a platform for youth to share their voices. As a supporting teacher, I see great merit in such an activity, and it is a learning experience that will stick with students long beyond their high school years. Students are thus lifelong learners and big picture thinkers that we are proud to have leading tomorrow. The competition also puts students in touch with global organizations such as the United Nations and offers opportunities to extend the scope of the project beyond the competition. By leading this team of students, I feel as though I’m paying it forward and encouraging female leadership, innovation, activism, and community engagement.”
— Ms.Kristian Petrakos, lead instructor, Villa Maria
“L’année du concours scolaire des Olympes de la Parole Canada est vraiment intense pour les candidates, mais c’est une expérience qu’elles ne vivront nulle part ailleurs! Outre la compréhension des grands enjeux contemporains, soulevés par l’ONU, auxquels sont confrontés les femmes et les filles, les candidates apprennent à exploiter des données probantes pour rédiger un rapport structuré avec une approche jeune et innovante, à développer des réseaux, et à s’engager dans leur communauté. C’est une expérience fabuleuse pour les jeunes de secondaire 4 et 5 qui en sortent mûries, confiantes, et fortes en leadership au féminin.”
— Mme. Anne Manière Depachtère, présidente Escadron 96 Alouettes, Enseignante de Mathématiques au Secondaire
“En participant au concours des Olympes de la parole Canada, les participantes ont développé les habiletés nécessaires pour effectuer un travail de recherche et de rédaction rigoureux. La méthodologie acquise lors de cette expérience facilitera grandement leurs prochains travaux de recherches tout au long de leur parcours académique.”
— Collège Regina Assumpta, Mr.Stéphane Farley, Enseignant en éthique et culture religieuse, sec.4, Répondant UNESCO
“Devant la formidable présentation de toutes les équipes, on peut déjà se réjouir de l'impact et des résultats que les Olympes de la Parole auront dans toutes les sphères de nos sociétés à travers le monde. J'ai été sensible à la qualité de l'énoncé de toutes les équipes…Toutes mes félicitations aux organisateurs et aux participants.”
— Mr. Jacques Robert, président de la Société des Membres de la Légion d’Honneur (SMLH) Montréal
Awards Ceremony 2021-2022
Olympes de la Parole Canada School Competition
We collaborate with the CCUNESCO to promote this competition.
Impacts of climate change on Indigenous and non-Idigenous women in Canada.
Congratulations to Olympes de la Parole Canada School Competition participants and Panel, for your stellar presentation on Climate Change at the NGO-UN-CSW 66 Parallel Events, on March 14, 2022. If you have missed it, then catch it up right below via our Youtube channel :
Virtual Launching Ceremony
Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition, Edition 2021-2022
December 6, 2021
Official launch
November 2021-March 2022
Selected teams work on their projects; preliminary evaluation
April 2022
Final Evaluation; selection of winners
May 2022
Awards Ceremony
Scholarships are awarded to the best four projects:
1st Prize – $ 2 500 ( In the memory of Anne-Marie Trahan )
2nd Prize – $ 2 000
3rd Prize – $1 500
4th Prize – $1 000 (from Multi-nationale PMI Consultants Inc.)
Each participant is honoured with a certificate attesting to the community hours involved in the competition.
Voices of Olympia Canada received a grant of five thousand dollars from La Société des Membres de la Légion d’Honneur de Montréal (SMLH)
Our deepest gratitude to Mr. Jean-Jacques Laurans, great intergenerational bridge builder, and vice-president of SMLH Montréal, for having selected Voices of Olympia Canada (VOOC) as the recipient of a $ 5 000 grant from of SMLH Montreal.
This grant will allow VOOC to continue awarding scholarships to the competition winners, including the First Prize of $2,500 that honours the memory of Anne-Marie Trahan.