The competition
In a few words
Voices of Olympia Canada (VOOC) is a global citizenship learning - based initiative that offers a Juried School Competition open to secondary school girls in Canada. It uses a human rights approach to reflect on the central theme of gender inequalities and its impact on the empowerment of girls and women. This competition involves: collaborative and team work, use of diverse sources of information, critical thinking, public speaking, writing, innovation, parental and community participation. It is a unique opportunity to empower young girls in joining the global conversation on issues affecting girls and women, to let their voices be heard and their actions influence policies that foster equality and social justice.
The school competition Voices of Olympia Canada aims at raising awareness about the intersectionality of challenges faced by girls and women around the world. It transposes the discussions on those challenges from the UN Commission on the Status of women (UN-CSW) session, into a local context where high school students in Canada are invited to harvest evidence as a basis to ponder on a specific challenge in order to:
Critically analyze this global challenge in a Canadian context and propose some avenues for solutions in a written essay.
Practice public speaking through an oral presentation while translating knowledge to a selected audience.
Join the global conversation through a 3 minutes video that illustrates results of the analysis, and will be shared with a network of international advocacy organizations.
The Voices of Olympia Canada school competition transposes into Canadian context, the priority theme that is discussed at the UN Commission on the Status of women (UN-CSW) session, which is held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, during the month of March each year. In addition, each competition theme aligns with the Sustainable Goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030, primarily:
Objective 1: No poverty
Objectif 3: Good health and well being
Objective 4: Quality Education
Objective 5: Gender Equality
Objective 13: Climate action
These themes are compatible with broad Canadian initiatives, mainly:
Canada’s policy on Gender equality,
Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy,
Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security,
Canada’s Climate Plan.
Project milestone
Fall: Official launch of the competition
Fall - Winter: Selected participants work on their projects
Early spring : Evaluation by the Jury Late
Spring: Award Ceremony
*Exact dates to be determined after consulting with participants.
Scholarships are awarded to the best four projects:
1st Prize: $ 2 500
2nd Prize: $ 2 000
3rd Prize : $ 1 500
4th Prize: $ 1 000
Each participant is honoured with a certificate attesting to the community hours involved in the competition.