2022-2023 Edition
Intersectionality between Innovation, technological change, and education in the digital age and the empowerment of girls and women in Canada.
During COVID 19 pandemic, technology has rapidly transformed the world of education, bringing to light a gender digital divide in terms of connectivity, skills, literacy, and safety. In this digital transformation, girls and women should not be left behind. Digital inclusion and literacy are strong enablers for empowerment and act as catalysts for gender equality and social justice.
For the 2022-2023 Edition, the Voices of Olympia School Competition reflects the Priority theme that will be discussed at the sixty-seventh session of United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UN-CSW-67), scheduled for March 6 to 17, 2023.
As members of the digital generation, participants will reflect on:
How innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age can contribute to gender equality and the empowerment of girls and women in Canada.
Participating Institutions
First Prize
Congratulations to The Study Team A, First Prize Winner of Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition 2022-2023 Edition, and recipient of the Jury Mention for Best Oral Presentation. A Scholarship of $ 2500 was awarded to the team composed of: Geneva Pham, Qiansu (Sophie) Wang, Yitong (Aileen) Wang, Yian (Olivia) Wu.
“WESG: Facilitating, Encouraging and Promoting Talk About Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the Workplace”
Second Prize
Congratulations to the Villa Maria Team, Second Prize Winner of Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition 2022-2023 Edition, and recipient of the Jury Mention for Best Essay. A Scholarship of $ 2000 was awarded to the team composed of: Tiffanie Constantine, Keira Donato, Luana Labelle, and Chloé Lavoye.
“Security Update for the Digital World: Reclaiming Privacy Rights for Women and Girls.”
Second Prize (Ex Aequo)
Congratulations to the College Stanislas Team, Second Prize Winner (Ex Aequo) of Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition 2022-2023 Edition, and recipient of the Jury Mention for Best Essay in French. A Scholarship of $ 2000 was awarded to the team composed of: Mila-Claire Ramgoolam, Émilia Duval, Alice Galzin, and Sara Kooli.
« Comment l’innovation et les changements technologiques peuvent améliorer l’accès aux soins de santé pour les femmes et les filles autochtones au Canada.»
Third Prize
Congratulations to The StudyTeam B, Third Prize Winner of Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition 2022-2023 Edition, and recipient of the Jury Mention for Most Innovative Project. A Scholarship of $ 1500 was awarded to the team composed of: Elizabeth Andriopoulos, Aerin Handa, Yaretzi Aviles Hernandez, and Bianca Mac Habée.
“Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in STEM Fields Through Technology in Canada”
Fourth Prize
Congratulations to the team from EMSB Marymount Academy International, Fourth Prize Winner of the Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition Edition 2022-2023, and recipient of the Jury Mention for Social Impact Project. A Scholarship of $ 1000 was awarded to the team composed of: Samantha Woo, Minseo Kim and Shupeng Liu. You can watch the video of their project
“Using Technology to Optimize the Integration of International Students in Canada
Congratulations to the EMSB Laurier Macdonald High School Team, recipient of (1) The Jury Mention for Community Impact Project (2) Le Prix Coup de Coeur des Jeunes de la Fondation Dr. Julien (3) The Jobel Art For Earth Prize for Creativity with Social Impact, and (4) A $500 bursary to start up their project. The team is composed of: Gianna Simancas, Hannah Tinkler, Andrea Vaccaro and Giovana Wendling.
“Impacts of technology on online gender-based violence”
Discover the other participant’s work
Collège Trinité
Congratulations to the Collège Trinité team, winners of the Jury's Mention for Perseverance. A $500 bursary was awarded to the team composed of: Marie Lou Bérubé and Maève Talbot to launch their project .
Comment l’accès aux technologies en éducation pourrait-il faciliter l'autonomisation des mères adolescentes au Québec et au Canada?”
“This project was truly a life-changing experience for all the members of our team. It has inspired our team to speak up against gender-based violence. With the guidance of VOOC, we have never been more empowered to reflect on an important global and local issue and to unleash our inner leadership abilities to create a vehicle for much-needed change as proposed by this project.”
EMSB-Laurier Macdonald High School Team, 2023
“Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition has enabled us to become well-rounded global citizens who are determined to make a significant impact to empower young women and girls. This project taught us critical thinking and comprehensive research skills while fostering a drive to incite change. The knowledge and the skills that we have acquired have truly instilled the confidence and desire to advocate for equality. Working as a team encouraged us to develop collaboration and leadership skills as well as build friendships that will stay with us forever”
Villa Maria Team, 2023)
“The process of the competition has made us realize that once given the opportunity or the chance to express our concerns about a certain topic, we have the push forward to not only speak about the problem but…take action toward that problem. Being a part of such an empowering competition has taught us many skills that have been and will continue to be helpful for our perspectives as students, and as citizens.”,
(EMSB-Marymount Academy International Team, 2023).
“Voices of Olympia Canada sagacious counsel and support have been instrumental in enabling us to exceed expectations and make a tangible difference in our society. The VOOC School Competition has served as a veritable training ground for our team, allowing us to augment our skill set and build our confidence in diverse areas, including: time management, organization, decision-making, creativity, and adaptability, coding, researching, and presenting”,
The Study Team A, 2023
“Notre participation au concours scolaire des Olympes de la paroles Canada a été une expérience unique dans nos vies. Tant en raison de notre sujet que de la méthode de travail que nous avons dû développer, ce projet nous a transformées”,
Équipe du Collège Stanislas, 2023
Awards Ceremony
Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition - Edition 2022-2023
We are collaborating with CCUNESCO to promote this competition
How innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age can contribute to gender equality and the empowerment of indigenous and non-indigenous girls and women in Canada.
Congratulations to the Olympes de la Parole Canada School Contest participants and panelists, for their excellent presentation as part of the Events organized by NGO-CSW-67, on March 13, 2023. If you missed this performance, you can watch it again here below.
Launching Ceremony
Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition Edition 2022-2023

October 2022-March 2023
Teams work on their project; preliminary assessment.
December 6th 2022
Competition official launching
April 2023
Final evaluation; selection of winners
May 2023
Awards Ceremony