2023-2024 Edition
Feminization of poverty and its impact on
the empowerment of girls and women in Canada.
Poverty has a direct impact on health, growth, quality of life, security and well-being. It hinders the fulfillment of basic needs, perpetuates inequality, undermines social justice, and delays the attainmentof the Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals. About 700 million people live in extreme poverty in the world, 60% of whom are women. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of extreme poverty is reported to have risen, directly affecting more than 260 million people worldwide, the majority of whom are women and girls, (OXFAM 2022). These findings which reflect a major setback in the fight against poverty, will guide your reflection this year as you, high school girls, explain how to:
“Accelerate the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by
addressing poverty and strengthening institutions with a human rights and social justice perspective”.
You will propose solutions to help curb poverty in a local community of your choice.
Our theme for the 2023-2024 reflects the Priority theme that will be discussed at the sixty-eight session of United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UN-CSW-68), scheduled for March 6 to 17, 2024.
Participating Institutions
First Prize
The Ottawa Catholic School Board- St. Francis Xavier Team won the VOOC First Prize of $2,500, with the Jury Mention for Best Essay, and the Jury Mention for High Social Impact Project. Under the supervision of Ms. Maria Sebastianpillai, the Team composed of Kaarhunyaa Sivapalan, Sofia Ambroziak and Nagwa Abdelaziz, have investigated on How the Pink Tax Perpetuates Feminization of Poverty by Imposing an Economic Burden on Women and Girls in Ottawa. They have used the Software NewMode to launch an awareness campaign and a petition to abolish the Pink Tax in Ontario. This petition was signed by about 2786 people across Canada. The Team was interviewed by Global News Ottawa
“How the Pink Tax Perpetuates Feminization of Poverty by Imposing an Economic Burden on Women and Girls in Ottawa ”
Second Prize
The Study Team A was awarded the VOOC 2024 Second Prize of $ 2,000. In addition, the team received the Jury Mention for Meaningful Community Engagement. Under the supervision of Ms. Marie France Senécal and Ms. Amalia Liogas, the team composed of Ava Seirafi, Yuxuan Zheng, Eliana Gasparini and Maria-Christina Kalliabetsos have investigated on how poverty -inducing obstacles faced by female immigrants can lead to the feminization of poverty. Their proposed solution, "IMMILINKED", is a multilanguage mentorship and networking platform that aims at Reducing the Feminization of Poverty by facilitating the social and professional integration of Immigrant Women in Canada.
“How poverty -inducing obstacles faced by female immigrants can lead to the feminization of poverty.”
Third Prize
The Study Team C is VOOC 2024 Third Prize Winner of $1000. Recipient of the Jury Mention for the Most Innovative Project, the team also won the Abraham Securities Special Prize of $1000, which rewards a project that integrates technology into the fight against poverty and Gender based violence over several generations.
Under the supervision of Ms. Marie France Senécal and Ms. Amalia Liogas the team composed of Katarina Robinson, Sophie Tin, Violette Lumbroso, Teni Keshishian Gharghani and Ariana Gualtieri have investigated on : The Intersectionality of Feminization of Poverty with Intimate Partner Violence and the Economic Empowerment of Women Living in Rural Areas. Their proposed solution: FLOVIA, is an application that helps women escape from violence while fostering economic empowerment through financial literacy.
“Intersectionality of Feminization of Poverty with Intimate Partner Violence and the Economic Empowerment of Women Living in Rural Areas.“
The Team from Villa Maria was awarded the VOOC 2024 Fourth Prize of $1,000. In addition, the team received the Jury Mention for Best Oral Presentation. Under the supervision of Ms. Giulia Bartolone and Ms. Kristian Petrakos, the team composed of: Fiona Cutrona, Sariah Gittens, Ella Knitter and Emma Ricci investigated on how underfunding of social programs disproportionately affects women by creating a poverty of opportunity in terms of working conditions and lack of accessibility to fundamental services such as childcare. Their proposed solution “GIRLS SUPPORTING CHILDCARE” is a website that facilitates connections between schools’ volunteers and daycare centers.
“How underfunding of social programs disproportionately affects women by creating a poverty of opportunity in terms of working conditions and lack of accessibility to fundamental services such as daycare centers.”
Fourth Prize
Special Prize ESG DE NEI
The EMSB- Royal west Academy Team A won the NEI Special Prize, which rewards the project that most reflects the ESG principles. Under the supervision of Ms. Marika Bateman, the team composed of Yedda Blanco Caruzzo, Anna Jakobson, Paige Lazarovitz, Anaya Ray, and Olivia Yee, have investigated on the "Intersectionality Between Poverty, Digital Literacy, and Financial Empowerment of Single Mothers in Montreal”
Their proposed solution "WOMENET" is a Tech Swap project that uses a Circular Economy Model to support women financial empowerment through digital literacy with the purpose of building their capacity to enter and remain in the job market. This circular economic model is compatible with the principles of Pollution Prevention; it helps reduce carbon footprint through recycling and reutilization of technological wastes. This gender equality project helps reduce the digital divide, it promotes Environmental Stewardship, thus, aligning well with both the “Environmental” and “Social” components of the ESG matrix.
“Intersectionality Between Poverty, Digital Literacy, and Financial Empowerment of Single Mothers in Montreal.”
Special Prize Abraham Security
The team from Holy Trinity Catholic High School participated in the Voices of Olympia Canada School competition with their project on the feminization of poverty and its impact on the empowerment of girls and women in Canada. The team, consisting of Jahnavi Thotla, Melanie Aguilar, Zohra Akbari, and Maryam Jama, worked under the supervision of Dr. Saôde Savary. They proposed "Momease Connect" as a solution to improve maternal health and reduce maternal poverty. This project uses technology to provide support and resources to pregnant women and new mothers living in poverty, aiming to promote their well-being and economic empowerment.
“Momease Connect: Understanding the barriers for those facing poverty before, during, and after pregnancy“
The winners in pictures
« The Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition has equipped us with life skills that will prove to be invaluable. We have each increased our knowledge, improved our skills, and grown as individuals. In building our project, we have developed our creative thinking and honed our ability to conduct thorough research, which will be essential in our future studies. Additionally, over these last few months, we have each learned how to be resourceful when overcoming challenging obstacles. Our findings on the barriers women face due to the underfunding and undervaluing of the childcare system have encouraged us to continue to support the women in our community. We aim to encourage change and empower women and girls at every opportunity. On another note, working closely with one another has helped our communication and teamwork skills, and it has also given us the time to form lasting bonds with each other. »
(Villa Maria A Team, 2024)
« The Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition has not only provided us with a platform to showcase our talents but has also catalyzed personal and creative growth. Through this competition, we have honed our skills, expanded our horizons, and forged lifelong connections within the community. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to contribute to society through our art and to make a meaningful impact on the world around us. We sincerely thank the Voices of Olympia Canada Competition Team for their insightful feedback, profound wisdom, unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence that have paved the way for countless aspiring individuals like us to showcase our abilities on a national stage. Their steadfast support has been instrumental in shaping our academic Journey. »
(Ottawa Catholic School Board - St. Francis Xavier High School Team)
« The Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition prompting young girls to understand and address the struggles of women. »
(The Study C Team, 2024)
« The Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition truly allowed our team to thrive and flourish, and we are extremely grateful to have participated. The Competition inspired us to strive to achieve our fullest potential and push our project Immilink as far as it could go. The support and coaching offered to prepare our team present at the UN have been instrumental in enabling us to be able to adequately explain Immlinked and put our ideas on display. We learned how to take control of the opportunities we are lucky enough to have and embrace all that we have access to. All four of us have acquired many skills from this competition that can be translated to later portions of our life. Leadership, time management, thinking outside the box, problem solving, and outreach are just a few. »
(The Study A Team, 2024)
Awards ceremony
2023-2024 launch ceremony
Ms. Aude-Line Ferrand (l), gender equality respondent, standing next to Dr. Savary, and surrounded by two groups of prizewinners.
Visit to the French Embassy in Ottawa
Winners of the 2023 - 2024 edition of the Olympes de la Parole Canada school competition visit the French Embassy in Ottawa on June 18, 2024!
This is the third consecutive year that the Embassy of France in Ottawa has offered our laureates this opportunity to integrate new knowledge in the fields of history, politics, art, sociology and women in diplomacy.
We are collaborating with CCUNESCO to promote this competition
October 2023-March 2024
Teams work on their project; preliminary assessment.
December 2023
Competition official launching
April 2024
Final evaluation; selection of winners
May 2024
Awards Ceremony