2024-2025 Edition

Where are the girls in STEM thirty years after Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action ?


It is thirty years since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action (PfA) and its promise of the full enjoyment of the rights of women and girls, remains relevant and more critical than ever. To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+30), the UN Women’s Beijing+30 Strategy underlines the cardinal importance of integrating young women and adolescent girls as critical stakeholders and rights holders in the pursuit of gender equality.

In this context, you, high schoolgirls in Canada, will reflect on gender gaps in STEM education and will propose solutions to bridge these gaps, accelerate progress across SDGs and stop the digital divide.

Enroll here.

Participating Institutions

We are collaborating with CCUNESCO to promote this competition


October 2024

Teamwork begins

December 2024

School Competition official launch

March 2025

Preliminary Evaluation

April 2025

Final evaluation and selection of winners

May 2025

Unveiling the winners and VOOC Awards Ceremony