Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition

March 11 and 13, 2025: our participants will present their projects at the NGO-CSW69 Forum, which connects civil society to the 69th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UN-CSW69) !


March 11 and 13, 2025: our participants will present their projects at the NGO-CSW69 Forum, which connects civil society to the 69th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UN-CSW69) ! 〰️

Voices of Olympia Canada is a global citizenship project-based learning initiative. Through a yearly school competition, we offer a safe and informed discussion space where high school girls in Canada grow as critical thinkers, reflecting on the central theme of gender inequalities and its impact on the empowerment of girls and women, using a dual perspective of human rights and social justice. The School Competition themes reflect, in a Canadian context, the intersectionality between the Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals and the themes debated annually at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UN-CSW).

Theme of the 2024-2025 edition of the Olympes de la Parole Canada School Competition:

Where are the girls in STEM thirty years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for  Action ?

Besides your contribution in helping to curb poverty in your local community, you will be able to:

  1. Increase your skills in team work.

  2. Increase your research and problem-solving skills

  3. Deepen your critical thinking and analytical skills.

  4. Build capacity for public speaking skills.

  5. Win Scholarships.

  6. Show leadership by implementing your project in your community.

  7. Have your project viewed by, and shared with a national and international network that promote the rights of girls and women.

  8. Receive a certificate attesting to the community hours you have invested in this competition.

More reasons why you should participate in the Voices of Olympia Canada competition are detailed here. Do not hesitate!

Why participate to the 2024-2025 edition ?


Make a gift to education

Your donation will help us promote global citizenship project-based learning among high school girls by:

  1. Providing scholarships to the 4 best projects.

  2. Coaching sessions to build Global Citizenship Capacity.

  3. Support projects’ implementation in local communities.

  4. Promote Youth Meaningful Community Engagement and Leadership.


«“The Olympes de la Parole Canada School Competition essay that I wrote is, to this day, the project that has had the greatest impact on my academic journey…. . I am now a student at Harvard University, pursuing a joint degree in Government with a minor in Psychology to work on mental health policy, a goal that is the direct result of the research I began for the Olympes de la Parole School Competition.»

Katalina Toth, Sacred Heart School of Montreal Team , 2018.

« This has been an incredible experience for us all. The girls have learned invaluable lessons about research, writing, and presentation processes. As a teacher, witnessing their evolution as women, as leaders, and as compassionate, socially conscious citizens, has made this experience the gift of a lifetime. »

— M. di Scala, lead instructor at Villa Maria College, (2018).

«The Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition encourages innovation and provides a platform for youth to share their voices. As a supporting teacher I see great merit in such an activity, and it is a learning experience that will stick with students long beyond their high school years.  Students are thus lifelong learners and big picture thinkers that we are proud to have leading tomorrow. By leading this team of students, I feel as though I’m paying it forward and encouraging female leadership, innovation, and engagement.»

— K. Petrakos, Lead Instructor, Villa Maria, 2022.


«Le concours scolaire des Olympes de la Parole Canada est une expérience que les candidates ne vivront nulle part ailleurs ! S’exprimer en public, développer des arguments pour convaincre, analyser des données probantes pour développer un projet, et rédiger un rapport structuré sont quelques-unes des opportunités offertes par ce concours. Toutes les jeunes filles que j’ai encadrées ont énormément appris, muri et gagné en leadership féminin. C’est une expérience fabuleuse pour les jeunes de secondaire 4 et 5.»

— Anne Manière Depachtère, présidente Escadron 96-Alouettes, 2022.

« This competition allowed for our team to dive deep into problems our society faces every day and have a better understanding of what WE can do to make our community better.  »

— The Bishop Strachan School Team, 2024

«The Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition has served as a veritable training ground for our team, allowing us to augment our skill set and build our confidence in diverse areas, including: time management, organization, decision-making, creativity, adaptability, coding, researching, and presenting. »

— The Study Team A, 2023


Advocacy is a process of raising awareness about a specific issue with the purpose of informing, encouraging knowledge and best practice uptake, support collective actions that influence policies and promote positive changes.

Voices of Olympia Canada advocacy days are coherent with its vision and mission, and are inspired by observance days from the United Nations, UNESCO and Canada.