The Voices of Olympia Canada School Competition is governed by a Board of Directors whose members are elected for a two-year term, and exercise their functions by virtue of the powers conferred upon them by the By-laws

For 2024-2025, the Board of Directors is composed of 12 members, including the officers:

  • President: Dre.Saôde Savary

  • Vice - President Sébastien Jacques

  • Secretary: Nadia Ramundo

  • Treasurer: GMT Canada Inc.


Yousria Bouhouche Marwa Dehbal Anne Manière Depachtère Gloria Esguerra Marinella Montanari

Ashley Ornawka Thanh Nguyen. Alexia Liaud . Lisa Belgroune.

1. Executive Board

  • Dre. Saôde Savary

    Voices of Olympia Canada Founder and Executive Director

  • Nadia Ramundo


  • Sébastien Jacques


2. Administators

  • Gloria Esguerra

    Business Consultant at TELUS Corporate Security

  • Ashley Ornawka

    Marketing and Communication Manager at La Fabrique de la Paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal.

  • Anne Manière Depachtère

    High School Teacher, Académie Marie-Claire

  • Marinella Montanari

    Multimedia Art Producer and Director at Jobel Art for Earth

  • Sarah Bahrami

    Mixed method researcher interested in understanding how people perceive, experience, and engage with the world around them. She works currently as an Information & Public Relations Officer for the Kativik Regional Government

  • Marwa Dehbal

    An international aviation law specialist with a focus on collaboration with the Asia-Pacific region, Marwa has been teaching Law at UQAM since 2018.

  • Alexia Liaud

    Alexia is a specialist in innovation management and business development. She works currently as a Senior innovation advisor at the CHUM.

  • Yousria Bouhouche

    After a career in electronic engineering, Yousria is a project manager at the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal.

  • Lisa Belgroune

    Directrice Marketing Numérique B2C at Juliette Jewlry


The Voices of Olympia Canada ambassadors are initiators of emerging strategies that support positive change. Together, they promote the ODPC vision of a just and equitable society that values social justice and gender equality.
— Saôde Savary



Mobilizing for Milton Park

Coalition GirlUp Québec